O Arglwydd amled ydyw'r gwŷr

Salm III
O Arglwydd! amled ydyw'r gwŷr
  Y Sydd drallodwyr imi!
A llawer iawn i'm herbyn sydd
  O ddydd i ddydd yn codi.

Tithau, O Arglwydd! yn mhob man,
  Ydwyt yn darian imi:
Ti yw'm gogoniant; tua'r nen
  Y codi 'mhen i fyny.

Ar Dduw, yr Arglwydd, â'm holl llais
  Y gelwais yn dosturaidd:
Ac ef a'm clybu i ar frys,
  O'i uchel freinlys sanctaidd.

Mi a orweddais, ac a gysgais,
  A mi a godais gwedi;
Canys yr Arglwydd oedd i'm dàl,
  I'm cynnal, ac i'm codi.

I'r Arglwydd byth o achos hyn
  Y perthyn iachawdwriaeth:
Ac ar ei bobl y disgyn gwlith
  Ei fendith yn dra helaeth.
freinlys :: freinllys
o achos hyn :: nid gallu dyn

Edmund Prys 1544-1623

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Elizabeth (Rowland H Prichard 1811-87)
Mary (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)

  Ar Dduw yr Arglwydd â'm holl lais
  Tithau O Arglwydd yn mhob man

Psalm 3
O Lord how many are the men
  Who are troublers to me!
And are against me
  From day to day rising.

Thou, O Lord in every place,
  Art a shield to me:
Thou art my glory; towards the sky
  Lifting my head up.

On God, the Lord, with my whole voice
  I called pitifully:
And he heard me quickly,
  From his high, holy, royal court.

I have lain, and have slept,
   And have risen after;
 For the Lord was keeping me,
   To support me, and to raise me.

To the Lord always therefore
  Belongs salvation:
And on his people descends the dew
  Of his blessing very abundantly.
therefore :: not the power of man

tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

1 How num'rous, Lord, of late are grown 
    the troublers of my peace!
  And, as their numbers hourly rise,
    so does their rage increase.

3 But thou, O Lord, art my defense;
    on thee my hopes rely;
  Thou art my glory, and shalt yet
    lift up my head on high.

4 Since whensoe'er in like distress
    to God I made my pray'r,
  He heard me from his holy hill,
    why should I now despair?

5 Guarded by him, I laid me down
    my sweet repose to take;
  For I through him securely sleep,
    through him in safety wake.

8 Salvation to the Lord belongs,
    he only can defend;
  His blessing he extends to all
    that on his pow'r depend.

N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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